You Won’t Even Know It Was There! — Brown Brothers Body Works

Dent Repair in Chapel Hill & Durham, NC

Dents Will Happen, But We Can Help!

As well as we try to take care of our vehicles, sometimes dents happen. It can certainly be frustrating at the time, but our expert team of technicians at Brown Brothers Body Works is trained to repair even the toughest of dents to keep your vehicle looking new and make sure that any further issues are kept at bay. Whether one of the kids dropped the basketball net on the hood or ‘someone’ didn’t notice the bins at the end of the driveway, we’ll have your vehicle looking pristine again in no time. When you first bring your vehicle to our Durham, North Carolina, location, we’ll check to see which way the dent can be pulled or pushed out, and whether or not it requires a more invasive approach. In many cases, we are able to get behind the dent to work it out from there and can typically do this without damaging any painted surfaces. This is what we call Paintless Dent Repair, or PDR. If the dent is more severe or paint has been stripped away as a result of a collision, we’ll need to approach the dent in a different way and add additional steps to get things back into their proper shape.